A plugin for creating a "tag" image using thresholding.
A tag image contains pixel values that point to a particular compound's
name, formula and density in the DefaultMaterials.csv file. These
properties are used by other plugins to compute the linear attenuation
at that pixel position for any x-ray energy. Although they contain only
whole number values, Tag images are 32-bit. See the MaterialsEditor page
for more information about tags.
Material Tagger Dialog
Click on the image that you want to tag to make it the active
Select the Material Tagger plugin from the ImageJ plugins
menu. A blank window will appear next to the active window.
Use the pull-down menu to select a specimen material from the
Materials List.
To avoid a lot of scrolling , enter one or more characters in
the "Filter List" textbox to display materials that begin with those
characters. Clear the textbox to restore the full list.
Use the sliders to threshold select the range of pixel values
to tag as the chosen material.
Click the "Add Material to Tag Image" to add the material to
the tag image. Continue until all of the materials are tagged.
Untagged materials are set to 0, "empty space" in the tag image.
Note: A narrow range of gray-levels in the original image may
cause the default scrollbar resolution to be too coarse. In that case,
multiply the image by a number >50 and restart the Materials Tagger.