Ballot and Judging data entry dialogs are created dynamically from the judging selection in the Settings menu.
Judging selections are in Tables in the hidden "Judging" sheet. Use Data Tools->Show Data Sheets to view the Judging tables. Use Excel tools to create or edit a Judging table. Judging tables must have the name extension ".JudgeTab"
All are designed to prevent errors like:
Voting for the same car twice.
Voting for an non-existent car.
Voting for a car in the wrong class
Adding or deducting more points than specified by the judging sheet.
Like Registration, entering judging sheet or ballot data can be pretty intense but usually has more time. My better half is a wizard with a number pad and can enter data really fast. I need someone to read the numbers while I type them in.
Judging dialog examples:
Popular Vote dialogs are created using the Settings->Judging->Popular Vote selection and the number of Votes Per Ballot. Enter the popular vote car numbers from the participant ballot and click Vote. If a car is voted more than once on a ballot or a non-existent car is voted, the cars's backcolor is changed to pink. Correct the errors and click Vote. Continue entering the available ballots. Click Close when done. The dialog can be closed and reopened as batches of ballots arrive during the show.
Car Show Helper Popular Vote Dialog with 10 Votes Per Ballot with duplicate(car 123) and invalid (car 245 not registered) car number errors. Errors must be corrected before voting the ballot.
Popular Vote By Class dialogs are created using the Settings->Judging->Popular Vote By Class and Settings->Registration->Class Table selections. Warning! This dialog can become very large if there are a lot of classes. A combo box shows the car numbers in each class. Classes with no cars are grayed. Enter the car numbers from the participant ballots and click Vote. The form does not allow voting for a car outside its class. Continue entering the available ballots. Click Close when done. The dialog can be closed and reopened as batches of ballots arrive during the show.
Car Show Helper Popular Vote by Class Dialog Created using Settings->Registration->PracticeClassTab and Settings->Judging->Popular Vote By Class
Judging dialogs are created using the Settings->Judging table selection. The dialog will note if points are being added or deducted. Enter the car number. Invalid car numbers will turn pink. Enter the points to be added or deducted for each judging area. The maximum points for each judging area are in parentheses. Points above the maximum or less than zero turn pink. Click Vote when there are no pink fields. Continue entering the available judging sheets. Click Close when done. The dialog can be closed and reopened as batches of judging sheets arrive during the show.
Car Show Helper Judging Dialog Created using Settings->Judging->LargeJudgeTab.