
Requires ImageJ 1.53k or higher, DistanceMapLib.jar, ImageJAddins.jar.

See the Home page for CT_Tools download and installation instructions.


This plugin performs a 3D flood of connected voxels within a selected range of values.

Left: Stack with resolved pores(1=white), unresolved pores(0<gray<1), and red point flood origin
Center: Flood 3D Dialog
Right: Flooded voxels including unresolved pores with greater than 0.55 porosity.

FloodFill 3D operates on 8-bit gray, 16-Bit and 32-Bit stacks.

Flood Fill 3D Results.

There are lots of flood fillers, this one is not special. I include it because the brushfire code in DistanceMapLib is so simple. A modified version powers the Geodesic Transform.
