Package jhd.FloodFill

Class ExactEuclideanMap


public class ExactEuclideanMap
extends java.lang.Object
Functions for computing the exact 2D and 3D Euclidean distance using Danielsson's algorithm. A port of my original C to Java. It's not pretty Java but it's fast and somewhat readable.
  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor Description
    Default constructor
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    void edm2D​(float[] image, int imageWidth, int imageHeight, float pixWidth, float pixHeight, java.lang.String floodChoice)
    In Place 2D exact Euclidean distance map of a 2D image using Danielsson's algorithm
    void edm2D​(java.lang.Object oImage, int imageWidth, int imageHeight, float pixWidth, float pixHeight, java.lang.String floodChoice)
    In Place 2D exact Euclidean distance map of a 2D image using Danielsson's algorithm
    void edm3D​(float[] image, int imageWidth, int imageHeight, int imageDepth, float pixWidth, float pixHeight, float pixDepth, java.lang.String floodChoice, boolean showProgress)
    In place 3D Euclidean distance map of a 3D image using Danielsson's algorithm
    void edm3D​(java.lang.Object[] oImageArr, int imageWidth, int imageHeight, int imageDepth, float pixWidth, float pixHeight, float pixDepth, java.lang.String floodChoice, boolean showProgress)
    In Place 3D exact Euclidean distance of a 3D image using Danielsson's algorithm
    void edm3D​(java.lang.Object oImage, int imageWidth, int imageHeight, int imageDepth, float pixWidth, float pixHeight, float pixDepth, java.lang.String floodChoice, boolean showProgress)
    In place 3D Euclidean distance map of a 3D image using Danielsson's algorithm
    java.lang.String[] getMapChoices()
    Used to make dialogs.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • ExactEuclideanMap

      public ExactEuclideanMap()
      Default constructor
  • Method Details

    • edm2D

      public void edm2D​(float[] image, int imageWidth, int imageHeight, float pixWidth, float pixHeight, java.lang.String floodChoice)
      In Place 2D exact Euclidean distance map of a 2D image using Danielsson's algorithm
      image - A row major 1D float array containing a 2D image
      imageWidth - The image width in pixels
      imageHeight - The height width in pixels
      pixWidth - The pixel width in user units, set to 1 for classic EDM
      pixHeight - The pixel height in user units, set to 1 for classic EDM
      floodChoice - A string selecting the region to map; "Map 0" or "Map !0"
    • edm2D

      public void edm2D​(java.lang.Object oImage, int imageWidth, int imageHeight, float pixWidth, float pixHeight, java.lang.String floodChoice)
      In Place 2D exact Euclidean distance map of a 2D image using Danielsson's algorithm
      oImage - An Object (must be instanceof float[]) containing a row major 1D array of a 2D image as returned by ImageJ ImageProcessor ip.getPixels();
      imageWidth - The image width in pixels
      imageHeight - The height width in pixels
      pixWidth - The pixel width in user units, set to 1 for classic EDM
      pixHeight - The pixel height in user units, set to 1 for classic EDM
      floodChoice - A string selecting the region to map; "Map 0" or "Map !0"
    • edm3D

      public void edm3D​(float[] image, int imageWidth, int imageHeight, int imageDepth, float pixWidth, float pixHeight, float pixDepth, java.lang.String floodChoice, boolean showProgress)
      In place 3D Euclidean distance map of a 3D image using Danielsson's algorithm
      image - A row major 1D float array containing a 3D image
      imageWidth - The image width in pixels
      imageHeight - The height width in pixels
      imageDepth - The depth or number of slices in the 3D image
      pixWidth - The pixel width in user units, set to 1 for classic EDM
      pixHeight - The pixel height in user units, set to 1 for classic EDM
      pixDepth - The pixel depth in user units, set to 1 for classic EDM
      floodChoice - A string selecting the region to map; "Map 0" or "Map !0"
      showProgress - true = Display a progress bar during execution.
    • edm3D

      public void edm3D​(java.lang.Object oImage, int imageWidth, int imageHeight, int imageDepth, float pixWidth, float pixHeight, float pixDepth, java.lang.String floodChoice, boolean showProgress)
      In place 3D Euclidean distance map of a 3D image using Danielsson's algorithm
      oImage - An object containing a 1D float array from a row major 3D image
      imageWidth - The image width in pixels
      imageHeight - The height width in pixels
      imageDepth - The depth or number of slices in the 3D image
      pixWidth - The pixel width in user units, set to 1 for classic EDM
      pixHeight - The pixel height in user units, set to 1 for classic EDM
      pixDepth - The pixel depth in user units, set to 1 for classic EDM
      floodChoice - A string selecting the region to map; "Map 0" or "Map !0"
      showProgress - true = Display a progress bar during execution.
    • edm3D

      public void edm3D​(java.lang.Object[] oImageArr, int imageWidth, int imageHeight, int imageDepth, float pixWidth, float pixHeight, float pixDepth, java.lang.String floodChoice, boolean showProgress)
      In Place 3D exact Euclidean distance of a 3D image using Danielsson's algorithm
      oImageArr - An Object[] (must be float data) as returned by ImageJ ImagePlus imp.getStack().getImageArray();
      imageWidth - The image width in pixels
      imageHeight - The height width in pixels
      imageDepth - The depth or number of slices in the 3D image
      pixWidth - The pixel width in user units, set to 1 for classic EDM
      pixHeight - The pixel height in user units, set to 1 for classic EDM
      pixDepth - The pixel depth in user units, set to 1 for classic EDM
      floodChoice - A string selecting the region to map; "Map 0" or "Map !0"
      showProgress - true = Display a progress bar during execution.
    • getMapChoices

      public java.lang.String[] getMapChoices()
      Used to make dialogs. User selects to map 0 or 255 in a binarized image
      A list of map choices: "Map 0","Map !0"