Package jhd.FloodFill

Class HybridFloodFill.PorosityReport

Enclosing class:

public static class HybridFloodFill.PorosityReport
extends java.lang.Object
A data structure returned by characterize and hybridFloodFill
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type Field Description
    int floodableVoxelCount
    The number of floodable voxels in the image
    float resolvedPorosity
    The resolved volume in the image
    float resolvedVolume
    The resolved volume in the image
    int resolvedVoxelCount
    The number of resolved voxels in the image
    float totalPorosity
    Resolved + unresolved volumes in the image
    float unresolvedPorosity
    The unresolved volume in the image
    float unresolvedVolume
    The unresolved volume in the image
    int unresolvedVoxelCount
    The number of unresolved voxels in the image
  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor Description
  • Method Summary

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • resolvedVoxelCount

      public int resolvedVoxelCount
      The number of resolved voxels in the image
    • unresolvedVoxelCount

      public int unresolvedVoxelCount
      The number of unresolved voxels in the image
    • floodableVoxelCount

      public int floodableVoxelCount
      The number of floodable voxels in the image
    • resolvedVolume

      public float resolvedVolume
      The resolved volume in the image
    • unresolvedVolume

      public float unresolvedVolume
      The unresolved volume in the image
    • resolvedPorosity

      public float resolvedPorosity
      The resolved volume in the image
    • unresolvedPorosity

      public float unresolvedPorosity
      The unresolved volume in the image
    • totalPorosity

      public float totalPorosity
      Resolved + unresolved volumes in the image
  • Constructor Details

    • PorosityReport

      public PorosityReport()