Package jhd.FloodFill

Class Offsets.PointDesc

Enclosing class:

public static class Offsets.PointDesc
extends java.lang.Object
Class for 2D and 3D pixel offset and value information
John H Dunsmuir DOB LazziIzzi
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type Field Description
    double val
    Pixel value
    int x
    Pixel x coordinate
    int y
    Pixel y coordinate
    int z
    Pixel z coordinate
  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor Description
    Default Constructor
    PointDesc​(int offset1D)
    1D offset Constructor
    PointDesc​(int offset1D, double val)
    1D offset Constructor
    PointDesc​(int iCol, int jRow)
    2D offset Constructor
    PointDesc​(int iCol, int jRow, double val)
    2D offset Constructor
    PointDesc​(int iCol, int jRow, int kSlice)
    3D offset Constructor
    PointDesc​(int iCol, int jRow, int kSlice, double val)
    3D offset Constructor
  • Method Summary

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • x

      public int x
      Pixel x coordinate
    • y

      public int y
      Pixel y coordinate
    • z

      public int z
      Pixel z coordinate
    • val

      public double val
      Pixel value
  • Constructor Details

    • PointDesc

      public PointDesc()
      Default Constructor
    • PointDesc

      public PointDesc​(int offset1D)
      1D offset Constructor
      offset1D - the absolute offset of a voxel index from 0
    • PointDesc

      public PointDesc​(int offset1D, double val)
      1D offset Constructor
      offset1D - the absolute offset of a voxel index from 0
      val - A value associated with the pixel/voxel
    • PointDesc

      public PointDesc​(int iCol, int jRow)
      2D offset Constructor
      iCol - AKA Pixel x coordinate
      jRow - AKA Pixel y coordinate
    • PointDesc

      public PointDesc​(int iCol, int jRow, double val)
      2D offset Constructor
      iCol - AKA Pixel x coordinate
      jRow - AKA Pixel y coordinate
      val - A value associated with the pixel
    • PointDesc

      public PointDesc​(int iCol, int jRow, int kSlice)
      3D offset Constructor
      iCol - AKA Pixel x coordinate
      jRow - AKA Pixel y coordinate
      kSlice - AKA Pixel z coordinate
    • PointDesc

      public PointDesc​(int iCol, int jRow, int kSlice, double val)
      3D offset Constructor
      iCol - AKA Pixel x coordinate
      jRow - AKA Pixel y coordinate
      kSlice - AKA Pixel z coordinate
      val - A value associated with the voxel