Class MuMassCalculator.BeamHardenParams

All Implemented Interfaces:
Enclosing class:

public static class MuMassCalculator.BeamHardenParams
extends java.lang.Object
Wrapper class for serialization boiler plate.
John H Dunsmuir
See Also:
Serialized Form
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type Field Description
    double detCM
    The detector scintillator screen or detector element thickness in CM
    java.lang.String detFormula
    The detector scintillator formula, Must be in Atom1:Count1:Atom2:Count2 format, For example Cs:1:I:1 for CsI Cesium Iodide
    double detGmPerCC
    The detector scintillator screen or detector element density in gm/cc
    java.lang.String filter
    The filter material, typically Al, Cu, Sn, Mo
    double filterCM
    The filter thickness
    double filterGmPerCC
    The filter density
    double kv
    The X-ray source accelerating potential, the upper limit on the X-ray energy
    double kvInc
    Divide the source spectrum into nBins discrete energies
    double kvMin
    The lower limit on the X-ray energy
    double ma
    The X-ray source beam current
    double matlCM
    matl thickness(cm)
    java.lang.String matlFormula
    compound formula.
    double matlGmPerCC
    compound density in gm/cc
    double pixSizeCM
    The image pixel size in CM.
    java.lang.String target
    The conventional X-ray source anode (target) material
  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor Description
    Constructor for this serializable parameter block
  • Method Summary

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • target

      public java.lang.String target
      The conventional X-ray source anode (target) material
    • kv

      public double kv
      The X-ray source accelerating potential, the upper limit on the X-ray energy
    • ma

      public double ma
      The X-ray source beam current
    • kvInc

      public double kvInc
      Divide the source spectrum into nBins discrete energies
    • kvMin

      public double kvMin
      The lower limit on the X-ray energy
    • filter

      public java.lang.String filter
      The filter material, typically Al, Cu, Sn, Mo
    • filterCM

      public double filterCM
      The filter thickness
    • filterGmPerCC

      public double filterGmPerCC
      The filter density
    • pixSizeCM

      public double pixSizeCM
      The image pixel size in CM. the code works in CGS units
    • matlFormula

      public java.lang.String matlFormula
      compound formula. Must be in Atom1:Count1:Atom2:Count2 format, for example Ca:1:C:1:O:3 for CaCO3 Calcite
    • matlGmPerCC

      public double matlGmPerCC
      compound density in gm/cc
    • matlCM

      public double matlCM
      matl thickness(cm)
    • detFormula

      public java.lang.String detFormula
      The detector scintillator formula, Must be in Atom1:Count1:Atom2:Count2 format, For example Cs:1:I:1 for CsI Cesium Iodide
    • detCM

      public double detCM
      The detector scintillator screen or detector element thickness in CM
    • detGmPerCC

      public double detGmPerCC
      The detector scintillator screen or detector element density in gm/cc
  • Constructor Details

    • BeamHardenParams

      public BeamHardenParams()
      Constructor for this serializable parameter block