ImageJ plugin for the computing Chord Length Distribution.
In a two-component system, the Chord Length Distribution represents the probability density of finding a chord of length L in the interval L±dL in the selected component.
The plugin scans for chords along random lines of half the minimum image dimension.
The plugin requires an image that has been segmented into zero and non-zero components.
The image can be a 2D image, a stack of 2D images, or a 3D image.
Anisotropic pixels and voxels are supported.
The pixel units and lengths must remain constant in the image (no irregular spacings).
Geometric distances are converted to pixel coordinates by rounding to the nearest integer.
Value to process - Select the zero or non-zero component to measure
Calculate - Options are Current Slice, All Slices 2D, All Slices 3D. All Slices 2D is useful for stacks that vary in a non-spatial dimension such as time or concentration etc. This option reports its results in a stack plot and a table of profile values for each slice.
Number of Bins - The Histogram bin count. The default number of bins is half the shortest image dimension in pixels. Fewer bins are often needed to obtain a smooth curve due to the discrete nature of the image data at short distances.
Number of Samples - Select the number of two-point pairs at each distance. More samples decreases noise.
Show Progress - Displays a progress bar while executing.