Class PointFunctions.Point3D

Enclosing class:

public class PointFunctions.Point3D
extends java.lang.Object
A structure describing a 3D pixel
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type Field Description
    double pixelDepth
    The z dimension of the pixel
    double pixelHeight
    The y dimension of the pixel
    double pixelWidth
    The x dimension of the pixel
    java.lang.String unit
    The dimension unit e .g . cm or inch etc.
    double val
    The value at the pixel(x,y,z) location
    int x
    The x or i or column location of the pixel
    int y
    The y or j or row location of the pixel
    int z
    The z or k or slice location of the pixel
  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor Description
    Default constructor
    Point3D​(int x, int y, int z)  
    Point3D​(int x, int y, int z, double val)  
    Point3D​(int x, int y, int z, double pixelWidth, double pixelHeight, double pixelDepth, double val)  
  • Method Summary

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • x

      public int x
      The x or i or column location of the pixel
    • y

      public int y
      The y or j or row location of the pixel
    • z

      public int z
      The z or k or slice location of the pixel
    • pixelWidth

      public double pixelWidth
      The x dimension of the pixel
    • pixelHeight

      public double pixelHeight
      The y dimension of the pixel
    • pixelDepth

      public double pixelDepth
      The z dimension of the pixel
    • unit

      public java.lang.String unit
      The dimension unit e .g . cm or inch etc. of the pixel
    • val

      public double val
      The value at the pixel(x,y,z) location
  • Constructor Details

    • Point3D

      public Point3D()
      Default constructor
    • Point3D

      public Point3D​(int x, int y, int z)
      x - The x or horizontal or column position of a pixel
      y - The y or vertical or row position of a pixel
      z - The z or slice or depth position of a pixel
    • Point3D

      public Point3D​(int x, int y, int z, double val)
      x - The x or horizontal or column position of a pixel
      y - The y or vertical or row position of a pixel
      z - The z or slice or depth position of a pixel
      val - The value of the pixel at the coordinates (x,y,z)
    • Point3D

      public Point3D​(int x, int y, int z, double pixelWidth, double pixelHeight, double pixelDepth, double val)
      x - The x or horizontal or column position of a pixel
      y - The y or vertical or row position of a pixel
      z - The z or slice or depth position of a pixel
      pixelWidth - The pixel dimension in the x direction
      pixelHeight - The pixel dimension in the y direction
      pixelDepth - The pixel dimension in the z direction
      val - The value of the pixel at the coordinates (x,y,z)