Uses of Class

  • Uses of PointFunctions.Histogram in jhd.PointFunctions

    Methods in jhd.PointFunctions that return PointFunctions.Histogram
    Modifier and Type Method Description
    PointFunctions.Histogram PointFunctions.chordLengthDistribution​(java.lang.Object[] image, int imgWidth, int imgHeight, int imgDepth, double pixelWidth, double pixelHeight, double pixelDepth, int nBins, int nSamples, java.lang.String valChoice, boolean showProgress)
    Computes the chord length distribution as a probability density,
    i .e . the likelihood of finding a chord in the interval between L +/- dL in image units This code measures the length of chords through the selected component along
    a random line of length = (min image dimension)/2.
    PointFunctions.Histogram PointFunctions.chordLengthDistribution​(java.lang.Object[] image, int imgWidth, int imgHeight, int imgDepth, int nBins, int nSamples, java.lang.String valChoice, boolean showProgress)
    Computes the chord length distribution as a probability density,
    i .e . the likelihood of finding a chord in the interval between L and dL in pixels or voxels This code measures the length of chords through the selected component along
    a random line of length = (min image dimension)/2.
    PointFunctions.Histogram PointFunctions.linealPathDistribution​(java.lang.Object[] image, int imgWidth, int imgHeight, int imgDepth, double pixelWidth, double pixelHeight, double pixelDepth, int nSamples, java.lang.String valChoice, boolean showProgress)
    Find the probability that a random line of length R in image units will lie completely in the chosen image space.
    PointFunctions.Histogram PointFunctions.linealPathDistribution​(java.lang.Object[] image, int imgWidth, int imgHeight, int imgDepth, int nSamples, java.lang.String valChoice, boolean showProgress)
    Find the probability that a random line of length R in pixels will lie completely in the chosen image space.
    PointFunctions.Histogram PointFunctions.poreSizeDistribution​(java.lang.Object[] image, int imgWidth, int imgHeight, int imgDepth, double probeDim, double pixelWidth, double pixelHeight, double pixelDepth, int nBins, int nSamples, java.lang.String valChoice, boolean showProgress)
    Experimental: Estimates the pore size distribution as a probability density using local measurements of the surface-to-volume ratio and computing the radius of an equivalent sphere.
    PointFunctions.Histogram PointFunctions.twoPointFunction​(java.lang.Object[] image, int imgWidth, int imgHeight, int imgDepth, double pixelWidth, double pixelHeight, double pixelDepth, int nSamples, java.lang.String valChoice, boolean showProgress)
    Find the probability that two points separated by a distance D will both lie in the selected image space.