CT Scanner Setup

Requires ImageJ 1.53k or higher, MuMassCalculatorLib.jar, ImageJAddins.jar.

See the Home page for CT_Tools download and installation instructions.


Scanner Setup is a 1D attenuation model that displays x-ray intensity distributions at important points along the ray path. The plugin provides a non-modal dialog to aid in selecting optimal CT scanner operating conditions to improve signal-to-noise and reduce beam hardening artifact.

The User Interface

ImageJ Plugin CT Scanner Setup, Initial

The top plot shows the relationship between sample thickness and attenuation. It should look like a nearly straight line if the incident photon beam is approximately monochromatic.

The middle plot shows intensity vs X-ray energy at five sampling points along the beam path.

The window at the bottom shows the results for each trial configuration.

The ImageJ plugin

The Scanner Setup plugin helps to fine-tune the pre-hardening technique.

For a typical use, see the CT_ScannerSetupExample page.
