Exact Euclidean

Requires ImageJ 1.53k or higher, DistanceMapLib.jar.

See the Home page for CT_Tools download and installation instructions.


This plugin creates 2D and 3D exact Euclidean distance maps using Danielsson's algorithm. See the DistanceMapLib page for more information.

Exact Euclidean operates on 2D and 3D 32-bit images that have been "binarized" into "zero" and non-zero components. Select "Map 0" or "Map !0" to select the component to map. The pull down menu provides several mapping options:

Check the "Use Pixel Sizes" to map in physical pixel size units. The default is unit pixels. Click OK to begin processing.
Binarized Image(left), Euclidean Map Dialog(center), resulting EDM(right)
Visualized EDM
