Package jhd.FloodFill

Class EuclideanSpheres.RandomSphereParams

Enclosing class:

public static class EuclideanSpheres.RandomSphereParams
extends java.lang.Object
Nested class to simplify random sphere draw arguments list
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type Field Description
    double fillVal
    Fill the spheres with this value
    double maxRadius
    The min and max radii to draw
    double minRadius
    The min and max radii to draw
    double pixDepth
    Pixel Dimensions in user units
    double pixHeight
    Pixel Dimensions in user units
    double pixWidth
    Pixel Dimensions in user units
    java.lang.String unit
    The user dimension unit
    double volFrac
    Draw until this volume fraction of spheres is obtained
  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor Description
    Default Constructor
  • Method Summary

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • pixWidth

      public double pixWidth
      Pixel Dimensions in user units
    • pixHeight

      public double pixHeight
      Pixel Dimensions in user units
    • pixDepth

      public double pixDepth
      Pixel Dimensions in user units
    • minRadius

      public double minRadius
      The min and max radii to draw
    • maxRadius

      public double maxRadius
      The min and max radii to draw
    • volFrac

      public double volFrac
      Draw until this volume fraction of spheres is obtained
    • fillVal

      public double fillVal
      Fill the spheres with this value
    • unit

      public java.lang.String unit
      The user dimension unit
  • Constructor Details

    • RandomSphereParams

      public RandomSphereParams()
      Default Constructor