Uses of Class
Uses of EuclideanSpheres.RandomSphereParams in jhd.FloodFill
Methods in jhd.FloodFill with parameters of type EuclideanSpheres.RandomSphereParams Modifier and Type Method Description int
EuclideanSpheres. DrawRandomSpheres(java.lang.Object[] oImageArr, int imgWidth, int imgHeight, int imgDepth, EuclideanSpheres.RandomSphereParams rsp)
Draws overlapping spheres of random size at random locations until volFrac is
EuclideanSpheres. DrawRandomSpheres(java.lang.Object oImage, int imgWidth, int imgHeight, int imgDepth, EuclideanSpheres.RandomSphereParams rsp)
Draws overlapping spheres of random size at random locations until volFrac is reached.