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getChords(PointFunctions.Point3D[], String, double, double, double) - Method in class jhd.PointFunctions.PointFunctions
Returns an array containing the length of chords along a line through the selected component.
getLineValues(Object[], int, int, int, PointFunctions.Point3D[]) - Method in class jhd.PointFunctions.PointFunctions
Gets the coordinates and voxel values along a Bresenham line between p1 and p2 in an image and adds them to the Point3D val parameter.
getMaxPixelSeparationDistance(int, int, int) - Method in class jhd.PointFunctions.PointFunctions
Returns the smallest image dimension divided by 2
getMaxProbeSize(int, int, int, double, double, double) - Method in class jhd.PointFunctions.PointFunctions
The probe box is a cube in the image's physical dimensions, not pixel dimensions.
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