
A C G J P S 
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setBackground(Color) - Method in class jhd.ProgressBars.ProgressBars
Sets the progress bar window color
setMaxBarValue(String, int) - Method in class jhd.ProgressBars.ProgressBars
Sets the progress indicator maximum(right) limit
Use when the number of iterations is determined at run time.
setMinBarValue(String, int) - Method in class jhd.ProgressBars.ProgressBars
Sets the progress indicator minimum(left) limit
Use when the number of iterations is determined at run time.
setValue(String, int) - Method in class jhd.ProgressBars.ProgressBars
Sets and updates the progress indicator position
Does nothing if the progress bars window is closed.
show() - Method in class jhd.ProgressBars.ProgressBars
Shows the progress bars in a Window
size() - Method in class jhd.ProgressBars.ProgressBars
A C G J P S 
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