CT Scan Simulators

Requires ImageJ 1.53k or higher, MuMassCalculatorLib.jar, ImageJAddins.jar.

See the Home page for CT_Tools download and installation instructions.


These plugins create sinograms from square 32-bit images or stacks.

This set of four individual quantitative1 plugins vary from simple monochromatic parallel projection to polychromatic fan beam projection. All operate on single images or image stacks.

CT Scan Simulator Dialogs


Description of the dialog fields

Note: The dialog field information is preserved in the header of sinograms saved as tiff files. Use ImageJ Image->Show Info(ctrl-i) to view or use the "Sinogram Properties" plugin to write the field data to a results window.

A Sinogram example

Additional Information


Click the "OK" button to create the sinogram with the requested number of view angles. Bremsstrahlung images may take some time since each energy bin is scanned. Parallel, monochromatic scans are pretty quick.

A Sinogram example
1. Proper reconstruction of a monochromatic sinogram will return the original 2D slice attenuations plus some noise. Quantitative reconstruction of a bremsstrahlung sinogram will depend on sample composition, experimental technique and carefully applied post-processing sinogram beam-hardening correction.
