
Requires ImageJ 1.53k or higher, MuMassCalculatorLib.jar, ImageJAddins.jar.

See the Home page for CT_Tools download and installation instructions.


A pair of plugins for correction of beam hardening artifacts in reconstructed CT slices using a model-based linearization.

See the Linearization Tutorial page for a brief description of the process.
See the Material Tagger page for creating Tag Images.
See the Linearization Example page for examples of linearization using CT_Recon slider and the Linearization Fitter.
Linearize Fitter (left) and Apply (right)

Step 1. Linearization Fitter(left)

Adjust the Est.keV to optimize R^2 of the fit. Click OK when done. Do not delete the Fit Parameters window.
Linearize Fit Plot
Linearize Fits

Step 2. Apply Linearization(right)

Click OK to apply the correction to the sinogram. Reconstruct and observe the result. Check the consistency of the reconstructed attenuations using the Xray Lookup MuLin and Xray Lookup Ratio plugins. The X-ray energies reported from the corrected attenuations should be approximately the same. Remember that the correction polynomial is a "fit" to the observed data. If there is a lot of scatter around the fit then the corrected attenuations will be less accurate.
