
Requires ImageJ 1.53k or higher, DistanceMapLib.jar, ImageJAddins.jar.

See the Home page for CT_Tools download and installation instructions.


This plugin performs a 3D simulation of non-wetting imbibition in a "hybrid porosity" image.

It is called a hybrid flooder because it combines flooding of both resolved and unresolved porosity1.
Initial hybrid porosity image(left), HybridFlood Dialog(center), Connected voxel tortuosity(right).
Connected volume rendered by Image->Stacks->3D Project plugin
The plugin runs in several steps

Running the plugin.

The flood results are posted to a results table (not shown) but are presented below in a Excel column format.
Results before and after flooding shown side-by-side in Excel .
Synthetic Image2 Resolved Porosity(left) and Portion of Resolved porosity accessed by flood radius=6
Flood is from bottom to top in the image. Color in flooded image is accessed tortuosity ~1(blue) to ~4(white)
Rendering of 50x50x50um region at top of an R=0.58um flood image. Flood has begun to access the unresolved porosity.
  1. At this writing, the validity of using porosity as a proxy for invading non-wetting fluid surface radius is not well established. See the DistanceMapLib comments.
  2. The synthetic image was prepared by drawing random Euclidean spheres to 0.2 volume fraction on a Gaussian distribution of porosity 0.2<φ<0.8.
