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ma - Variable in class jhd.MuMassCalculator.MuMassCalculator.BeamHardenParams
The X-ray source beam current
ma - Variable in class jhd.Projection.FanProjectors.BremFanParams
The X-ray source beam current
ma - Variable in class jhd.Projection.ParallelProjectors.BremParallelParams
The X-ray source beam current
magnification - Variable in class jhd.Projection.FanProjectors.FanParams
The magnification for Fan Beam CT, ignored by parallel beam functions
matlCM - Variable in class jhd.MuMassCalculator.MuMassCalculator.BeamHardenParams
matl thickness(cm)
matlFormula - Variable in class jhd.MuMassCalculator.MuMassCalculator.BeamHardenParams
compound formula.
matlFormula - Variable in class jhd.Projection.FanProjectors.BremFanParams
Array of compound formulas.
matlFormula - Variable in class jhd.Projection.ParallelProjectors.BremParallelParams
Array of compound formulas.
matlGmPerCC - Variable in class jhd.MuMassCalculator.MuMassCalculator.BeamHardenParams
compound density in gm/cc
matlGmPerCC - Variable in class jhd.Projection.FanProjectors.BremFanParams
Array of compound densities in gm/cc
matlGmPerCC - Variable in class jhd.Projection.ParallelProjectors.BremParallelParams
Array of compound densities in gm/cc
matlName - Variable in class jhd.Projection.FanProjectors.BremFanParams
Array of material names, mostly for user convenience
matlName - Variable in class jhd.Projection.ParallelProjectors.BremParallelParams
Array of material names, mostly for user convenience
matlTag - Variable in class jhd.Projection.FanProjectors.BremFanParams
Array of tags corresponding to a material
matlTag - Variable in class jhd.Projection.ParallelProjectors.BremParallelParams
Array of tags corresponding to a material
maxAng - Static variable in class jhd.Projection.FanProjectors.FanParams
The normal maximum angular range for a CT scan of this type
maxAng - Static variable in class jhd.Projection.ParallelProjectors.ParallelParams
The normal maximum angular range for a CT scan of this type
minKV - Variable in class jhd.Projection.FanProjectors.BremFanParams
The lower limit on the X-ray energy
minKV - Variable in class jhd.Projection.ParallelProjectors.BremParallelParams
The lower limit on the X-ray energy
muLinToMolPerM3(double, double, double) - Method in class jhd.MuMassCalculator.MuMassCalculator
Converts observed linear attenuation coefficient to concentration.
MuMassCalculator - Class in jhd.MuMassCalculator
Interpolate tabulated NIST SRD 8 photon cross sections for scattering, photoelectric absorption and pair production, as well as total attenuation coefficients, for any element, or compound (Z= 1 to 100), at energies from 1 KeV to 100 GeV.
MuMassCalculator() - Constructor for class jhd.MuMassCalculator.MuMassCalculator
MuMassCalculator.BeamHardenParams - Class in jhd.MuMassCalculator
Wrapper class for serialization boiler plate.
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