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FanParams() - Constructor for class jhd.Projection.FanProjectors.FanParams
Constructor for this serializable parameter block
FanProjectors - Class in jhd.Projection
Create sinograms from square floating point images
FanProjectors() - Constructor for class jhd.Projection.FanProjectors
FanProjectors.BremFanParams - Class in jhd.Projection
Parameter block for fan projecting a tagged 2D image to a sinogram using a simplified conventional CT scanner simulation.
FanProjectors.FanParams - Class in jhd.Projection
Parameter block for fan beam projecting a 2D image to a sinogram The image may contain any values, most commonly x-ray cross-sections.
filter - Variable in class jhd.MuMassCalculator.MuMassCalculator.BeamHardenParams
The filter material, typically Al, Cu, Sn, Mo
filter - Variable in class jhd.Projection.FanProjectors.BremFanParams
The filter material, typically Al, Cu, Sn, Mo
filter - Variable in class jhd.Projection.ParallelProjectors.BremParallelParams
The filter material, typically Al, Cu, Sn, Mo
filterCM - Variable in class jhd.MuMassCalculator.MuMassCalculator.BeamHardenParams
The filter thickness
filterCM - Variable in class jhd.Projection.FanProjectors.BremFanParams
The filter thickness
filterCM - Variable in class jhd.Projection.ParallelProjectors.BremParallelParams
The filter thickness
filterGmPerCC - Variable in class jhd.MuMassCalculator.MuMassCalculator.BeamHardenParams
The filter density
filterGmPerCC - Variable in class jhd.Projection.FanProjectors.BremFanParams
The filter density
filterGmPerCC - Variable in class jhd.Projection.ParallelProjectors.BremParallelParams
The filter density
FormulaList - Class in jhd.Formulas
A class for converting a chemical formula into a data structure populated with relevant information for computing photon cross sections.
FormulaList() - Constructor for class jhd.Formulas.FormulaList
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