Welcome to LazzyIzzi's GitHub Website.

The projects below fall into three categories:

  1. Java Libraries - Used for X-ray attenuation calculations, distance transforms, and user interface utilities.
  2. ImageJ plugins - Provide example user interfaces to the above libraries with an emphasis on improving quantitative analysis using computed tomography.
  3. Excel VBA projects - Workbooks and addins for X-ray calculations and running a car show.

All of my projects are covered by the MIT License. Feel free to use them in your projects. I hope that you find them useful.
All the Best,

Questions, comments, bug reports? Contact Lazzyizzi27@gmail.com.
Last Updated 7/22/2024 All libraries and plugins are compiled with Java8 to maintain consistency with legacy ImageJ.

GitHub repositories

Java Libraries

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ImageJ Plugins

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Excel VBA projects

Special Note: Downloading Excel add-ins and macro enabled workbooks can be dangerous due to the possibility of embedded malware. Newer versions of Excel provide significant protection. Please take appropriate precautions before enabling any downloaded Excel workbook.
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1. Why libraries? The libraries contain no ImageJ dependencies for better performance and can be used anywhere. Many thanks to all who built the ImageJ UI to plug into.
2. Simulating bremsstrahlung sinograms from a digital image requires calculating the linear attenuation of each material in the image at many different energies. Tags are unique integer values assigned to a material and are used to create a look-up table of that material's properties.